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Any Questions?

How can we work together?

The first step is to fill out the information form above. The responses will help us understand if your needs and our capabilities have an overlap. We’ll follow this up with one or more discovery calls to understand the problem at hand and define the project scope. We will then send a cost and time estimate. Once both parties agree, sign contracts, and initial payment is made, we setup kickoff calls and get to work!

What information do you need to prepare an estimate?

Each project and its stakeholders are different. We need some information on project goals, budget, timeline, people, existing data

Can you collaborate with our internal development team?

Yes, most definitely. As part of our discovery process, we will understand where your development team stands. We will work with them to make developing our designs easier on them.

Can you develop your designs for our product?

We currently only have design capabilities. We can put you in touch with our development partners (third party) that we have worked with in the past.

What tools do you work on?

We use industry standard design and collaboration software and apps to maintain smooth and easy communication with our clients at all times. Our tool of choice for most UX and Product Design work is Figma.